• In Person Ticket to Speak & Write to Make Millions ($2,697 Value) - In person access to all 3 days of the interactive, live event designed to help YOU scale your profitable, thriving business
• Pre-Event Virtual Sip & Celebrate Session ($297 Value) - Join the MTM team for a pre-event session to prepare and kickstart the growth you’ll be ushering in
• Premier Plus Bonus Evening Networking Mixer on October 13, 2022 ($397 Value) - Mix and mingle with your fellow Premier Plus attendees the night before the event and make powerful connections to support your next level of business growth
• Exclusive Super Session Coaching with Lisa Nichols on October 13th ($997 Value) - An exclusive, Premier Plus-only group session with Lisa to get the feedback and clarity you need to take powerful action
• Premier Plus Sneaker Glam-Fest ($497 Value) - Join Lisa & your fellow Premier Plus attendees to celebrate, have fun, and meet your community of like-minded leaders and gladiators
• Printed Event Workbook ($297 Value) - Worksheets, exercises, and prompts to help you integrate all of the teachings during the event
• Welcome Gift Bag ($297 Value) - Exclusive gifts to welcome you into the event experience
• Recordings of Speak & Write to Make Millions Event ($900 Value) - Video recordings of all 3 JAM-PACKED days of breakthroughs & inspiration
• Access to Speak & Write Members-Only Facebook Group (Value - Priceless!) - Meet your community and receive real-time feedback, support, and encouragement to keep the excitement and accountability strong.